Sunday, March 7, 2010

We Made it to BRANSON!

Hey everybody,

After a looooooong bus ride (14 hours over 2 days!!), we finally made it to Branson, Missouri! We've been having a great time already! Last night we stayed in St. Louis at an amazing hotel that even had its own mall. It was nice to get off the bus and stretch our legs and get some food and relax. It's really crazy how tired riding in a bus can make a person feel.

Today, before we headed out to Branson, our whole team went up in the Arch in downtown St. Louis. Amazing views!! From 632 feet up, you can really see for miles and miles. The people on the ground look so small from that high. We won't name names, but some of the guys were more excited to go up than others (COACH DAVIDSON!)

We got to eat dinner at Lambert's-- Home of the Throwed Rolls -- . They literally throw rolls straight out of the oven at you. So good! It's impossible to leave Lambert's hungry!

So, we are here in Branson. We have a lot planned for the week, and Javontae Ford and James Humphrey will keep all of you Panther fans updated throughout each day! Thanks for following us and cheering us on!! GO PANTHERS!!!


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