Monday, March 8, 2010

First Official Day in Branson

Hey world! This is James Humphrey and this is my first entry. After an early wake up and a great breakfast at a local buffet, We took a journey to the Talking Rock Tavern. The Tavern is a cave that was found over 100 years ago. After a brief history lesson, we journeyed down into the cave down a narrow concrete stairway. The tour guide described every aspect of the cave including the random christmas tree hanging from the cave's roof. After getting to the bottom and seeing a couple salamanders, we left the caves to go to our first practice. We practiced at a local elementary school for an hour, while a few little kids that were still scurrying around the school watched. After practice we went to Famous Dave's Barbecue. The food was EXCEPTIONAL!! It wasn't my first time to Famous Dave's, but i still loved it nonetheless. After that we took a trip to see the Baldknobbers show. It was definitely a culture shock! Overall, today was a very busy and productive day. Well, its getting late, so i'll talk to you guys later! DU BABY!!!


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